ArcGIS Business Analyst

ArcGIS Business Analyst Pro Blog Series – Threshold Trade Areas

This is the 4th blog in an 8-part ArcGIS Business Analyst Pro Blog Series that highlights new capabilities in the Business Analyst extension for the latest release of ArcGIS Pro.  Other blogs in this series can be viewed here.


Threshold Trade Areas

The latest release of the Business Analyst extension for ArcGIS Pro contains two new geoprocessing tools for creating threshold trade areas.  This 2-minute video provides a really nice overview of these tools.


As the video illustrates, you can use these tools to create trade areas that expand outward from locations until they meet a specified criteria.  You can determine the threshold based on any summary value, including your own data that is setup to be aggregated with Business Analyst.  For example, you can create trade areas that capture a certain threshold for your own sales data or find the areas around a set of facilities that meet a threshold based on the data that is provided in Business Analyst.


Example Use-case

Say you are examining two possible locations for a new gym in the San Francisco area.  Based on analysis of your existing locations, you have determined that the most successful locations have at least 70,000 adults within a 5-minute drive time in similar urban markets.

Here is an example of how you would create these threshold trade areas using the Generate Threshold Drive Times tool:

Generate Threshold Drive Times Geoprocessing Tool
Generate Threshold Drive Times Geoprocessing Tool


The screen capture below shows how threshold drive-time service areas are created with different sizes and provide a visual indicator of the distance each gym location would have to draw patrons to their location.  Both locations are similar sizes, but you can see that the highlighted location has 70,000 adults living in a slightly smaller service area:


Business Analyst Threshold Trade Areas
Generate Threshold Drive Time tool shows the drive time area that includes a specific number of customers.


Additional Business Analyst for ArcGIS Pro Resources

You can view the ArcGIS Pro documentation for generate-threshold-drive-times or generate-threshold-rings to get more details about each of these two new geoprocessing tools.

If you’re interested in reading the rest of the blogs in this series, click here.

Bookmark these ArcGIS Business Analyst Links:


We are so very happy to share the new tools available for ArcGIS Business Analyst. If you have questions about this tool or any of the tools in the upcoming blog series, please reach out via the email address below.

About the author

Garry Burgess

Garry Burgess is the lead for Esri's Business Analyst team. He is a developer, data scientist, product builder and business strategist with 20+ years of experience creating beautiful and engaging spatially-enabled applications for business.

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