Collector is Esri’s premier map-centric field data collection app. First released in 2013, Collector was built upon the foundation of the ArcGIS platform. The hard work that you put into defining robust information models and high quality cartographic maps comes to life in Collector so that you capture observations, collect new data and perform inspections on data that you manage in the ArcGIS platform.
For the past 2+ years we’ve been rebuilding Collector on the iOS and Android platforms. The latest version of Collector has a modern look and feel, new and improved data collection tools, and a new turbo-charged runtime engine. This new version of Collector takes advantage of all the latest mapping capabilities in the ArcGIS platform and added many more capabilities to streamline your data collection workflows.
To smooth the transition from old to new, we kept the existing store listings for Collector but renamed it to “Classic” so that you could migrate your workforce when the time was right. With the May 4th release of Collector on the Android platform, we’ve achieved parity with the Classic versions on both platforms.

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