ArcGIS StoryMaps

ArcGIS StoryMaps Live! Join us for a new webinar series

StoryMaps Live: ArcGIS StoryMaps goes live with a bi-monthly webinar series.
StoryMaps Live

Earlier this summer we launched ArcGIS StoryMaps. Now, we’re revamping how we support the story map author community too. Come join us for a new webinar series to learn all about ArcGIS StoryMaps.

Click the button to register.

In September 2019, we kicked off a free webinar series that anyone can join and learn how to get started with ArcGIS StoryMaps. Our inaugural broadcast was a success, and over 300 attendees registered to learn about the latest updates to the product and hear from featured story map authors.


Keep an eye out for quarterly broadcasts. Find updates with links to register at the ArcGIS StoryMaps Live homepage. Follow us @ArcGISStoryMaps.

We want to make the webinar worth your while. Check out what happened at our inaugural September 2019 broadcast to see what to expect:

A photograph of Gabby Salazar on a brushy slope while conducting field work.
Gabby Salazar

Want to see for yourself? Check out all past episodes of StoryMaps Live right here.

Go to StoryMaps Live registration and past episodes



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Why we’re doing a webinar series

We want to make sure we continue to provide the support you need, while making that support even better.

With a brand new, modern product we want to provide a fresh way to engage the story maps community more frequently—and more broadly.

We believe storytelling is more than just a technology—it’s about a whole community of professionals working to collectively change the world. Fostering this community makes the stories—and their impact—even greater.

We on the StoryMaps team are a fortunate bunch. Every day we get to work with inspired GIS professionals, educators, and storytellers from across the mapping and digital communications spectrum; authors like you who are making a real difference.

We’re a small team and we’re honored to support such a variety of important missions. We’ll continue to do so through personal emails, phone calls, in-person seminars, and hands-on workshops. But we hope that StoryMaps Live webinars will be a game changer to expand how we support your work.

About the authors

An anthropologist focused on community engagement, citizen mapping, and applied ethnography, Greyson researches and designs dynamic, multimedia stories for ArcGIS StoryMaps.


Ross Donihue is on Esri's StoryMaps team. He uses place-based storytelling to engage users through beautiful, informative, and inspiring cartography. When he's not making maps he's likely carving a spoon, making photos, or dreaming of mountains and fermentation.


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