ArcGIS Business Analyst

Huff Model Calibration with ArcGIS Business Analyst Pro

This is the 5th blog in an 8-part series that highlights new capabilities in the Business Analyst extension for the latest 2.5 release of ArcGIS Pro.  Other blogs in this series can be viewed here.

The latest release of the Business Analyst extension for ArcGIS Pro contains a new tool to help calibrate a huff model.  This 2-minute video provides a really nice overview of this tool:

As the video illustrates, you can use this tool to automatically adjust and refine your Huff Model settings to produce more accurate, predictive output.  Specifically, the Huff Model Calibration tool will calculate the exponent value for the attractiveness variables and the distance variable used in the Huff Model.

As seen from the example below, the calibration tool requires an existing facility or store layer, customer layer, and a layer with potential sales.

Huff Model Calibration

The result of the calibration tool is a file that contains the exponent values for attractiveness variable (e.g. sales) and distance (e.g. driving time).

Huff Model Calibration File

The exponent values of 0.5062 and -0.9506 (which has been rounded to 4 decimal places) can now be used for running the Huff Model.  These exponent values are specific for the input stores and sales potential layers. The default of the Huff Model without calibration is 1 and 1.5, but they are arbitrary values and not based on the input data. The calibrated results will provide a more accurate, predictive model.

Run Huff Model

Additional information about this new tool can be found in the ArcGIS Pro documentation for Calculate Huff Model Calibration. We’re so happy to share this new capability with you.  Please reach out and let us know if you have any questions about this new tool or any other capabilities in ArcGIS Business Analyst.

Email the team:

Below you can find some links for Business Analyst that you may find useful.

About the author

Daniel is a product engineer on the ArcGIS Business Analyst team and is passionate about helping customers be successful in using GIS to solve business related problems and territory management.

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