ArcGIS Business Analyst

Latest County-Level COVID-19 Data in ArcGIS Business Analyst

Visualize COVID-19 impact with ArcGIS Business Analyst
This blog is part of an eight-part series covering how to visualize COVID-19 impact with ArcGIS Business Analyst. Explore the full series by clicking the image above.

A couple of weeks ago, the ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App (Web App) team published a blog on creating an infographic using the latest state-wide coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) data. That infographic is based on data from Johns Hopkins University Center for Systems Science and Engineering (JHU CCSE), which is updated multiple times a day. Since then, JHU CCSE has released the ability to obtain county-wide data.

In this blog, we will show you how to create a county-wide infographic that shows the daily status of confirmed cases from COVID-19 (via JHU CSSE data feeds). Compared to traditional tabular reports, infographics provides interactive maps, charts, tables, and indicators that can be shared with your team as a pdf, StoryMap, or an ArcGIS Web Map.

In addition to the COVID-19 data, the county-wide infographic also adds key demographic characteristics (e.g. vulnerable populations) that comes with the Web App as well new content from Definitive Healthcare that provides information about what typical healthcare capacity (e.g. estimate of licensed beds, ICU beds, staffed beds) would be for a county.

Enabling the infographic within your organization takes only minutes, and when you’re done, you’ll have an infographic that clearly and concisely shares the impact that COVID-19 has on your county and help you prepare for mitigation efforts.

The remainder of the blog is designed for beginner users to follow along. For those who are familiar with the Web App, you only need three steps to create the county-wide infographic:

  1. Add the Coronavirus Cases and Planning Report for US Counties template from the gallery
  2. Define your County geography site
  3. Run the infographic
Coronavirus Cases and Planning Report for US Counties infographic
The county-wide COVID-19 infographic template automatically links to the Johns Hopkins COVID-19 data feeds, demographics data from ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App, and healthcare capacity information from Definitive Healthcare.

Add the County-wide COVID-19 Infographic Template to Your Template Folder

We will kick off a detailed tutorial that even beginner users can follow by adding the county-wide COVID-19 infographic template called “Coronavirus Cases and Planning Report for US Counties” to your own template folder.

First, login to ArcGIS Business Analyst and following the next steps:

  1. Click on Reports > Build Reports > Build Infographics.
  2. Next, select Add a Template then select the Browse gallery option.
  3. Navigate to the Coronavirus Cases and Planning Report for US Counties template.
add infographic template
Browse the infographic template gallery to add a new template to your My templates section.
  1. Hover over the infographic and click Add.
  2. The infographic will be added to My Templates folder. This county-wide COVID-19 infographic can now be selected for any county.
select county template
Select the template designed for county-wide COVID-19 data.


Define and Run Infographics for Your County

Before we run the “Coronavirus Cases and Planning Report for US Counties” infographic for your county, we need to define the county area. For this exercise, I will demonstrate how to obtain information about COVID-19 cases in King County, Washington, but you can use the following instructions for any county of your choice.

  1. From the main menu, click Maps < Define Areas < Select Geography.
  2. Click Search.
  3. In the next screen, type “King County, WA” and click Enter.
  4. Select King County, WA from the Search Results below and click Next.
select county
Use Maps < Define Areas < Select Geography to search for your county
  1. In the next screen, select Run Infographics.
  2. Then click to expand the infographics under My Infographics.
  3. Once an infographic launches, go to the top left to select Coronavirus Cases and Planning Report for US Counties.
select infographic
Select the “Coronavirus Cases and Planning Report for US Counties” infographic.

And there you go. You have successfully created a COVID-19 infographic for your county. Click around to explore interactive pop ups and filter capabilities.

We hope you found this blog helpful in planning for your county needs. For additional details on infographics, you can go to our help documentation. You can also go to your profile (top-right of app screen), select Guided Tutorials from dropdown, and try Level 1, tour 3: Run an infographic for an area.

We are here for you if you have questions (

Update: Some content referenced in this article may no longer be available as the COVID-19 situation progresses.


Additional Resources

COVID-19 Specific Resources:


ArcGIS Business Analyst Specific Resources:

About the authors

Helen Brown is a Senior Product Manager for ArcGIS Business Analyst. She thrives on prioritizing problems and delivering market-level value through scalable, intuitive products.

Jordan Cullen is the group lead for the ArcGIS Apps Product Marketing team at Esri and the Senior Product Marketing Manager for ArcGIS Business Analyst. Alongside an extensive background in software marketing and multichannel communications, Jordan has a passion for analyzing consumer behavior and market trends, creating strategic content and captivating concepts, and helping the best customers in the world along their unique product journeys.

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