Design and Engineering

Delivering new strategic capabilities

person wearing a hardhat, substation map

Modeling complete utility networks

Utility designers need innovative tools and methods for effective electric utility network management. To produce efficient designs, engineering teams require diverse data. Reliable information sharpens every project and reduces risks. A single source of true design information comes from a modern geographic information system (GIS), which provides a solid data and communication foundation to model utility networks. This enables utilities to succeed with repeatable solutions to engineering problems. The modern capabilities of ArcGIS reinforce excellence for utility design and engineering.

A new foundation for utility GIS solutions

Real-world modeling

Design 3D networks from production to customer. Manage projects throughout their life cycles. Enforce rules-based standards and connectivity. Represent past, present, and future states.

map of substation and transmission lines

Visualization and analytics

Perform network analysis and tracing. Validate 3D designs in the context of location. Obtain network insight with schematic portrayal. Optimize the use of material and labor.

map of electric lines in a neighborhood

Coordination and collaboration

Share projects widely, on any device. Collaborate with internal and external participants. Distribute design information instantaneously. Solicit community project interaction.

imagery of a substation


Design & Engineering for Modern Utility Networks

ArcGIS Utility Network is next generation technology, enabling utilities to achieve their digital transformation targets.

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