NaviGate Automatic Vehicle Location Module

By Gatekeeper Systems

Solution details




The NaviGate AVL (Automatic Vehicle Location) Module provides for the display and management of wireless-connected GPS units in vehicles such as utility maintenance trucks, customer service vehicles, and emergency vehicles. NaviGate AVL displays the current and historical location of vehicles in the NaviGate software environment, and allow allows you to communicate with the vehicle wirelessly when two-way com-munication is supported by the AVL field unit. Features: • Current location and thematic views of vehicle status (stopped, moving, on-station, etc.) • Vehicle paths over a specified period of time for one or more vehicles • Tooltips with more complete information about a vehicle, such as the currently-assigned work order number or driver name, including data that may be accessed from other databases in your network • Filter your display to show just one vehicle, all vehicles of a particular type, or your entire fleet. • Reports on vehicles, vehicle locations, and activity • Access to maps showing historical vehicle positions. Choose any date in the past and NaviGate AVL will display a map showing all vehicle locations recorded on that date. You may choose to display just a single vehicle, several, or your entire fleet. • Where supported by the AVL hardware, NaviGate AVL can also send text messages from a NaviGate user to the AVL device for display in the vehicle cab. Alternately, NaviGate AVL will send a message to a pager or cell phone associated with the driver of that vehicle.


Electric & Gas,Public Works

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