
FGDC Metadata Editor for ArcGIS 10

Attached to this blog post is the download for the FGDC Metadata Editor add-in. This add-in provides a command that can be added to the Metadata toolbar in ArcCatalog. When clicked it opens the same FGDC metadata editor available at previous releases. This editor can be used to modify content in FGDC elements in an item’s metadata. These elements sit alongside ArcGIS elements in the item’s metadata. ArcGIS 10 will not automatically update any content in any FGDC elements. If you’re using a metadata style that supports full access to the item’s metadata, any FGDC elements that are present can be viewed under the FGDC metadata heading.

Steps to getting started:

  1. Download and save the attached file (fgdc.esriaddin) to your ArcGIS Desktop add-in folder (C:Users…DocumentsArcGISAddInsDesktop10.0)
  2. Open ArcCatalog (if open, close and re-open)
  3. In ArcCatalog go to the Customize menu and select Customize Mode
  4. On the Commands tab scroll down to the Metadata category
  5. From the Metadata Commands, drag the Show Metadata Editor command to the Metadata toolbar or someplace on the users interface to access the FGDC Editor.

For more information on Metadata Editing at ArcGIS 10 see the following help topics

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