ArcGIS for Power BI

Demographic data enrichment in ArcGIS for Power BI

ArcGIS for Power BI is an embedded, out-of-the-box map visualization in Microsoft Power BI. A component in the ArcGIS for Microsoft 365 product suite, it adds location and spatial analysis to your reports and enriches your maps with detailed demographic data insight.

What is demographic data enrichment?

Demographic data are population statistics that help you enrich your report’s metrics. When you choose the right demographic data, you add context and authoritative insight to your ArcGIS for Power BI map visualization.

Esri partners with data aggregators and providers like the U.S. Census bureau to build upon your spatial analysis with curated, global population details. You can enrich your reports with census details about income, age, and households; consumer spending habits; business summaries; crime statistics; traffic information; and much more.

By combining Esri demographic data with ArcGIS for Power BI, you can enhance your reports with the following:

Add context to your reports

Demographics added to your report metrics improve your spatial analysis and create visual and data depth.

For example, in the below image, the top half of the image represents features added to an ArcGIS map visualization from your Power BI dataset.

The bottom half of the image shows how you can enhance this dataset by adding a reference layer from a curated list of available demographic data.

A comparison of a map with no demographic reference layer (top) and with a demographic layer (bottom)

In this example, you are looking for the right place to add a new store location to increase sales. By adding the U.S. Census Bureau 2020 Disposable Income layer, you can visualize where on the map to find population with additional income to spend on your products. These are the areas shaded green: darker color = greater amounts of disposable income. You can also see how these population clusters may affect your existing stores and their current sales metrics.

Demographic data refinements

You can continue to refine your results by adding metrics like population age or family clusters to do the following:

The scope of available demographic data and variety of ways you can use it to improve your spatial analysis are extensive. With an ArcGIS account, you can access an even richer catalog of data refinements to clarify your map visualization. Explore what Esri’s library offers to each account type.

U.S. demographic data layers

Standard ArcGIS for Power BI users can add the following demographic data reference layers to any of their map visualizations:

Demographic Description
Average Household Income A baseline household wealth metric: divides regional household income by the total number of households in that region.
Average Household Size Divides the number of people who live in households in a region by the total number of households.
Diversity Index Summarizes a region’s racial and ethnic diversity. Ranging from 0 (no diversity) to 100 (highest diversity), this number increases when the region’s population includes more ethnic groups.
Median Age Younger or older neighborhood? Provides a median value for the local population’s age.
Median Disposable Income Establishes a median value for the local community’s available disposable income distribution (assets after bills).
Median Household Income An income metric, this number establishes a median value for the region’s household income.
Median Home Value This number establishes a median value for the region’s homes.
Per Capita Income Regional income: divides the region’s aggregate (total) income by the region’s total population.
Population Density How many people per sq. mile? This metric divides the total regional population by the total land area.
Population Growth Is this region’s population booming? This metric describes the positive or negative direction and magnitude of change for the total regional population in five-year projections.

Wrapping it up

In addition to these demographic data types, you can use ArcGIS for Power BI to search for publicly shared feature layers. The ArcGIS library contains thousands of reference layers with information specifically curated to enrich your data.

You can find business district data, consumer studies, survey results, and much more. Further, when you sign in to your ArcGIS account to add content to ArcGIS for Power BI, you have access to yet more authoritative data content. This includes the authenticated and extensive ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World data library, shareable with your organization and groups.

If you have a Microsoft 365 license, you already have access to ArcGIS for Power BI and can start using ArcGIS map visualizations with demographic data enrichment today. You can also sign up with Esri for a licensed ArcGIS account to create detailed map visualizations with spatial analysis.

To learn more about ArcGIS for Power BI, why not explore ArcGIS for Power BI videos or visit the Esri ArcGIS for Power BI community page to read examples and testimonials. To learn more about what you can do with ArcGIS for Power BI, visit Esri’s ArcGIS for Power BI online help.

About the author

(she/her) Principal Product Engineering Writer | Portland, OR, USA | lifelong word nerd. Focus: ArcGIS for Microsoft 365, Esri Location data, and the Esri GIS Dictionary.

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