When you login to ArcGIS Online, how do you get to work? Do you browse new content in your organization? Do you start building maps right away? Do you browse other members content to see what they are making? Similar to how there are many ways to peel a banana, there are many ways to get to work using ArcGIS Online. The December 2017 update of ArcGIS Online has made it easier to go right to your preferred page by setting your start page in your profile settings. Read the profiles below to pick your ArcGIS Online work style and role to improve your efficiency by at least 2 clicks.
Mapping Keener – Map Start Page
Forget Layers, Groups, and Content—you use ArcGIS Online to create maps on the INTERNET! And it’s the coolest thing around since Werner Projection. You’ve selected the Map as your start page to quickly make use of Map Viewer to search for layers as you begin to create your interactive map. Once your layers are added, configure pop-ups, explore your data, then save and share your map as an app before you can say Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. As a mapping keener, get right to what you do best, making the map.
3D Whiz Kid – Scene Start Page
News Flash! The Earth isn’t flat and neither are your ArcGIS Online projects. It is time to go fully 3D. Set your start page as Scene Viewer to start adding layers and begin to explore above or below the Earth’s surface. Create scenes with millions of buildings or billions of points with point clouds. Share your scene out in app right from Scene Viewer.
Gallery Gawker – Gallery Start Page
Your organization’s gallery creator spends time curating and maintaining a group of useful content to the entire organization and most importantly you. There are always new maps and apps that your colleagues are making that are featured in the gallery as well as quick access to Living Atlas content. Take some time when you first log in and see what’s new in the gallery by setting your start page to Gallery.
Content Connaisseur – Content Start Page
You use a variety of layers, web maps, and apps in your organization every day. Set the start page to Content to quickly find a personalized experience for displaying items. Use the tabbed experience to find items that you own, your favorites, and items shared with groups you are a member of and that are available to the organization. Quickly use the search in the tabs to find content using keywords or filters. Find and open web maps and apps that you have already created and continue designing and editing your ongoing projects.
Focused Consumer – Group Start Page
You are an expert consumer of web maps and apps that have been shared with you via a group. You aren’t concerned with creating content, sharing or making apps, but want to quickly view and use apps that your GIS team has shared with you. Set your start page to Group, allowing you to quickly see and open groups, accessing the apps, dashboards, and maps that are ready for your exploration and decisions. This start page is ideal for level 1 members who don’t own content and anyone who wants to only access specific content.
Master Administrator/Nosy Ninja – Organization Start Page
Are you responsible for inviting and managing members, monitoring credits, editing the website, or changing users’ roles? If you answered yes to any of these questions you are probably an administrator in your organization or have some administrative tasks. Setting your start page to Organization lets you quickly launch a variety of administrative tools. This is also a typical selection for the nosy ninja who like to monitor others in the organization just for fun. Keeping up on who’s a member, who’s updated their profile picture, what role other users are assigned, and even checking out shared content by user can all be accessed from the Organization page. If you want to keep the nosy ninja out of the Organization page, create a custom role without the ability to view members and the Organization tab won’t be a choice for a start page.
Home Page Hero
If you are thinking, why would I even need to select my home page, the one I have always used is great. Congratulations for continuing to the end of this blog and thank your administrator for setting up a nice and informative home page. This is the default start page for all non-administrators and can contain a customized banner, description, and featured content. When you set your start page to Home you are always going home to a familiar starting location to launch your experience into ArcGIS Online.
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