ArcGIS Blog


What’s Coming in the Business Analyst Web App

By Praveen Srivastava

The upcoming update of the Business Analyst web app is planned for the end of February and will include several improvements and enhancements. Here is what we have planned:

More Powerful Suitability Analysis 

Incorporate competitive and complementary locations to make better suitability decisions. For example, factor in how many other sandwich places are within the trade area of a potential sandwich place you want to invest in.

Use site attributes added from the site details panel. Calculate weighted scores for each potential location and review their ranks from most suitable to least suitable location.

Improved infographics with Support for Location Attributes and Your Own Data

Create more informative infographics by using location attributes such as number of parking spaces, rent, and more. Add site pictures and present market information with more attractive infographics. Include your own business data more easily and combine them with Esri Demographics content. Select, move, rotate, and re-size elements within the infographic panels more efficiently.

Bring in Your Own Data More Easily and Use Them in Reports

Using your own business data is a critical part of your market analysis. You will be able to use your own data in custom reports and infographics and experience an improved custom data setup workflow. For example, you can easily bring in your sales data by zip code and create a custom report that includes your sales data for a 5-minutes drive time area.

Latest Demographic Updates for 32 countries in Western and Eastern Europe

Use the 2015 MBR data for several European countries including Austria, Greece, Iceland, Portugal, Turkey, and more. Leverage the 2010-2014 Esri’s ACS Tract only data for the U.S that includes population, ethnicity, ancestry, poverty status, and more.

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