
What's New for Spatial Analyst in ArcGIS Pro 2.0 and 10.5.1.

ArcGIS Pro 2.0 and ArcGIS 10.5.1 are now available for download! Some exciting new capabilities have been added for the Spatial Analyst extension.  Read on for more details.

What’s New

For these releases, we have added some new capabilities to existing tools, added some new tools, and added to ArcGIS Pro a tool that was previously only available in 10.5.1.

You can read more about all the changes that were made in the respective what’s new topics for ArcGIS Pro 2.0 and 10.5.1.  In this blog, we’ll focus on specific changes for users of the Spatial Analyst extension.

Spatial Analyst toolbox

Interpolation toolset

The Spline with Barriers tool is now also available in ArcGIS Pro.  For this implementation, it has been reengineered from a Script tool to be a native GP tool.  This provides a benefit for performance and scalability, and avoids any JAVA dependancy.

Surface toolset

The Slope and Aspect tools have had some notable changes in capability.

Segmentation and Classification toolset

For Pro, two new tools have been added that will help you to generate and inspect your classification training samples.  See Generate Training Samples From Seed Points and Inspect Training Samples for more details.

Interactive Feature Input

For Pro, the new Interactive feature input capability comes to certain Spatial Analyst tools. More details and some tips with using it are available in the blog post here.

Release Notes and Issues fixed

If interested, you can see a number of the issues that were fixed by going to these links for Pro 2.0 and 10.5.1.

Spatial Analyst Supplemental tools

Attention waster resource professionals!  In case you missed it, Neeraj here on the Spatial Analyst team recently put up a blog post about the new Storage Capacity tool he added to v1.4 of our Spatial Analyst Supplemental tools.  Be sure to give it a try.

About the author

Juan is a Product Engineer and Documentation Lead on the Spatial Analyst team.

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