ArcGIS AppStudio

AppStudio: Answers to Top 10 Dev Summit Questions

AppStudio: Answers to Top 10 Dev Summit Questions

The Esri Developer Summit is a great opportunity for us on Esri software teams to engage with the Esri developer community, last month’s conference was no exception. The AppStudio team would like to thank everyone who visited us at the showcase and attended AppStudio sessions, and we value these face to face interactions. Based on the feedback and questions received in these conversations, we have compiled this list of 10 useful links to help you build apps with AppStudio for ArcGIS.

  1. Do you have samples? Where can I find them?
  2. How can I create my app installation files using cloud Make?
  3. How can I collaborate with others on building an app? (ArcGIS Online or GitHub)
  4. How do I setup a JavaScript debugger with Qt Creator?
  5. How do I configure AppStudio so that I can build an app locally?
  6. We use ArcGIS Enterprise (on-premise portal), how can I use AppStudio with my portal?
  7. What is the process for configuring Qt kits to work with AppStudio?
  8. When testing my app how do I capture the console output?
  9. How do I license my app I created with AppStudio?
  10. How do I setup an Android emulator or iOS simulator to work with AppStudio?

 Bonus Question:
What is the keyboard shortcut to run the app?” (one of the most commonly asked questions)
Here is a full list of keyboard shortcuts for AppStudio.

In case you missed it, here are links to 2017 Esri DevSummit AppStudio Tech and Demo Theater Sessions videos.

And that’s it, we hope the above links are useful to you.  If you have any questions or want to learn more about AppStudio, please visit the AppStudio Geonet Community 

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Text: qsTr (“ Happy coding! ”)

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by Tina Jin

About the author

Chris LeSueur is a Product Manager with the Apps Team in Redlands, California.

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