ArcGIS Pro

What's new in ArcGIS Pro 2.2

Each of our development teams recorded a short video to show off what they have built for this release and we’ve compiled them all into a grand tour. Each section focuses on a different piece of functionality. To see specific sections, just navigate to the time-stamps below. To learn more about the functionality now available with ArcGIS Pro 2.2, make sure to check out the  What’s new topic.

0:04 – ArcMap Equivalency
0:09 –Map Exploration
1:13 – Symbology
1:43 – Representations
2:13 – Labeling
2:36 – Content Management
2:54 – Sharing
3:28 – Geocoding
3:53 – Mapping & Visualization
3:54 – Animation & Map Exploration
4:21 – Scene Layers
5:25 – Symbology
5:55 – Stream Layers
6:29 – Vector Tiles
6:59 – Text
7:28 – Layout
8:00 – Analysis & Geoprocessing
9:13 – Charts
9:48 – Spatial Statistics
10:30 – Python
11:05 – ModelBuilder
11:37 – 3D Analyst
12:18 – Business Analyst
12:48 – Network Analyst
13:43 – Spatial Analyst
14:18 – Data Management
14:20 – Mutli-patches
14:54 – Revit
16:18 – Editing
17:55 – Geodatabase
18:27 – Data Reviewer
19:05 – Application
19:19 – Sharing
20:04 – SDK
20:36 – Aviation
21:13 – Imagery
21:14 – Full Motion Video
21:45 – Image Selector
22:00 – Scatter Plot
22:14 – Spectral Profile
22:30 – Temporal Profile
22:57 – Custom Histogram
23:08 – Interactive Histogram
23:20 – Stereo Mapping
23:39 – Fiducial
24:00 – Distributed Ortho Mapping
24:15 – Distributed Image Classification

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