ArcGIS Solutions

Parks and Grounds Management Solution Released

Parks and grounds are essential assets that contribute to the quality of life in a community. They improve health outcomes, provide environmental benefits, and support social interaction, community engagement, and special events. Agencies managing assets in parks, government complexes, and campuses are increasingly burdened with overuse and often are the first agency to receive funding cuts during an economic downturn. As a result, they are continuously balancing asset maintenance needs with available funding.

The first and most critical step parks and grounds agencies must take to prioritize asset needs is to create an asset inventory. An agency cannot plan parks and grounds improvements, maintain existing assets, and ensure guest safety unless they know what assets they have, where they are, and what condition they are in.

The Parks and Grounds Management solution works directly with the Recreation Outreach solution, sharing information between the two ArcGIS Solutions. Organizations can create and maintain their parks and grounds asset inventories in Parks and Grounds Management, and share the information to visitors using the Recreation Outreach solution.

The Parks and Grounds Management solution delivers a set of capabilities that help parks and grounds agencies inventory assets, understand asset condition, and communicate changing asset conditions that impact services.

Streamline the creation and maintenance of asset inventories

In many cases, a field assessment of existing parks and grounds assets may be the most efficient way to develop a parks and grounds asset inventory. The information collected in the field can then be augmented with other descriptive information that helps staff or the general public view parks and grounds information easily. The Parks and Grounds Field Map can be used by maintenance workers to inventory and inspect parks and grounds assets.


Parks and Grounds Field Map, part of the Parks and Grounds Management ArcGIS Solution.
Conduct a parks and grounds field inventory and record inspection activities.

While maintenance workers are in the field, they can enhance existing parks and grounds information and capture new assets missing from the asset inventory. You can also access inspection and inventory assignments and update operations and maintenance staff as they complete each assignment.

The Parks and Grounds Inventory app can be used by mapping technicians to create, update, and review parks and grounds assets. Existing parks and grounds assets collected in the field can be reviewed and information added to help staff and the public find information about a park, government complex, or campus. New parks and grounds assets can also be added to an asset inventory using imagery and record documents.

Parks and Grounds Inventory app, part of the Parks and Grounds Management ArcGIS Solution.
Create, update, and review parks and grounds assets.

Efficiently assess asset conditions

Operations and maintenance staff frequently manage complex operations around the inspection and maintenance of parks and grounds assets, and delegating related field assignments to maintenance workers. Sharing near real-time information between the field and the office is also critical to running operations smoothly and efficiently.

The Parks and Grounds Management Center app can be used by operations and maintenance staff to manage requests for service and create work assignments. When you initially visit the Parks and Grounds Management Center app, key metrics help you understand your organization’s parks and grounds asset inventory.  They also highlight requests for service that need to be addressed and work that must be assigned to maintenance staff.

Parks and Grounds Management Center, request dashboard.
View key metrics help you understand your organization’s parks and grounds asset inventory.

Many times, the general public will encounter problems as they visit a park, government complex, or campus.  The Parks and Grounds Request form can be used by the general public to submit requests for service.

Parks and Grounds Request form.
Submit requests for service while visiting a park, government complex, or campus.

Operations and maintenance staff can use the Parks and Grounds Request Manager app to monitor, triage, and address service requests before these small issues become too big, costly, or unsafe for your community.  They can also review requests for service over time, identify any trends or patterns, and ensure requests are being addressed in a timely manner.

Parks and Grounds Request Manager, part of the Parks and Grounds Management Center.
Triage and resolve requests for service before they become bigger problems.

Finally, operations and maintenance staff manage routine inspection programs that identify safety issues and reduce long-term maintenance costs.  Real-time information is critical to running operations smoothly and efficiently.

Parks and Grounds Assignments, part of the Parks and Grounds Management Center.
Manage routine parks and grounds inspection programs.

Additional Resources

We’re so happy to share this release with you. Below you can find additional resources you may find useful.

About the author

Matt Bullock is a Product Engineer on the ArcGIS Solutions team. He focuses on the Planning and Natural Resources community and has a strong interest in conservation and environment solutions.

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