ArcGIS for AutoCAD

ArcGIS for AutoCAD- Tutorial 400 Release

ArcGIS for AutoCAD is a free plug-in application from Esri that works within Autodesk’s AutoCAD application. The 400 Release of ArcGIS for AutoCAD is available for download.  To read more about what is new you can check out my previous blog article.      This article provides you with a simple step by step tutorial to get you started with using the basics of the new ArcGIS for AutoCAD version 400.   Each section includes a companion video that provides an example of the steps included in each section.  You are encouraged to work through the steps below on your own computer, but the videos are also there for you to view anytime.”

1. Add a Coordinate System and Map Layer

2. Add attributed ArcGIS web feature layer

3. Add ArcGIS Online Subscription content (requires named user)

In this exercise you can take advantage of your ArcGIS named user subscription to access subscription or premium content available from Esri’s rich collection of curated data in the Living Atlas and/or your own organizations content.

4. Edit an ArcGIS web feature layer and use the locate tool

This exercise will step through the process of editing GIS features accessed through an ArcGIS web feature layer.

Note: Once added to your drawing you may notice a message is displayed that describes any limitations of the feature layer you  are adding to your drawing.  Many ArcGIS feature layers support true curves, splines and 3D features, but some like this hosted feature layer will tesselate curves and omit z values upon storage in the ArcGIS Layer as configured by the GIS administrator.   Layers that support curves and 3D entities will generate and store true 3D curves and likewise create 3D curved entities.

Note: The drawing’s coordinate system has been set to the coordinate system of the Layer that we added. 

5. Browse for content in your ArcGIS Enterprise Portal (requires Enterprise login)

This exercise is essentially an invitation for you to add a connection to your  existing  Enterprise Portal if you have one and explore…

6. Create ArcGIS data inside an AutoCAD drawing

One of the primary uses of ArcGIS for AutoCAD is to create ArcGIS attributed feature classes using just standard AutoCAD and the free ArcGIS for AutoCAD plug-in.  Using ArcGIS for AutoCAD can eliminate the need to use shapefiles or other intermediate files when sharing GIS data between AutoCAD and ArcGIS Desktop.  ArcGIS Desktop also EXPORTS ArcGIS data into AutoCAD files using this same attributed feature class data encoding format by default.

This exercise will start with a simple AutoCAD file shared on ArcGIS Online.

(Optional):  If you have access to ArcGIS Desktop, save the drawing to a new name and Open the drawing in ArcGIS Desktop to see the ArcGIS feature classes you have created in this drawing.

About the author

ArcGIS Product Engineer CAD/BIM

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