Imagery & Remote Sensing

Getting started with the Image Interpretation (beta) configurable app

Imagery visualization and interpretation are now available through the new Image Interpretation (beta) configurable app. Check out the Imagery App Intro blog for an overview of the configurable app.  Here, we will provide a brief tutorial to help create and use some of the features available in the Image Interpretation configurable app.

In this example, you will create an app that can identify a burned area using the Compare and Change Detection tools available in the Image Interpretation (beta) template. You will locate the app template, configure your app, and use the application to identify burn scars

Creating and Configuring the Image Interpretation App

1. Create a new web map

Esri’s Living Atlas provides many different image services; in this example, we will use Esri’s world-wide dynamic Multispectral Landsat 8 image service

2. Locate the Image Interpretation (beta) configurable app

Since the Image Interpretation template is still in beta, you’ll need to seek out the template—it won’t be available with the rest of the app templates.

3. Create a web app

Once you are on the item details of the Image Interpretation (beta) app you can begin creating your own app.

4. Configure your app

The purpose of this app is to easily identify a burned area in Lake County, CA using the Change Detection tool, and then visualize before and after images using the Compare tool.

Interacting with the Image Interpretation App

You will now interact with the app and use the Renderer, Change Detection, and Compare tools to explore a burn scar.

1.Use the Renderer tool to view the image using Short-Wave Infrared with DRA. Hit Apply.  Tip: Mouse over each tool for a descriptive tool-tip.

2. Use the Image Selector tool to find the Landsat scenes you’ll compare.

3.Use the Compare tool to explore the differences between the before and after images.

4. Use the Change Detection tool to create an image of where the burn scar occurred. 

This is a quick introduction to a few of the tools available within the Image Interpretation Application.

About the author

Beth is a Product Engineer on the ArcGIS Online team.

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