ArcGIS Blog



Version 3.3 of the ArcGIS API for Silverlight and ArcGIS Viewer for Silverlight now available!

By Rex Hansen

New versions of the ArcGIS API for Silverlight and ArcGIS Viewer for Silverlight are now available for download.  The 3.3 release is focused on bug fixes and targeted enhancements to improve product quality and integration with the ArcGIS platform.  Changes include:


  • Support for GdbVersion on ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer and RelationshipParameter classes
  • Support for feature collection items in web maps
  • Exposed symbol properties to modify the editing experience with Editor, TemplatePicker, and EditorWidget


  • Support for OAuth authentication when connecting to ArcGIS Online and Portal for ArcGIS content
  • Support for services with multi-point geometry
  • Fallback to authentication using proxy when service connections fail

In addition to the changes above, the 3.3 release includes support for Visual Studio Community 2013. You can learn more about what’s new in the API here, and what’s new in the Viewer here. The Viewer’s source code is available on GitHub here.

Note that version 3.3 marks the last planned releases of the ArcGIS API for Silverlight and ArcGIS Viewer for Silverlight. Technical support for both products will continue to be available through June of 2016. Please refer to this blog post for further information regarding the support plan for these products. Moving forward, we recommend that you explore web solutions based on JavaScript and HTML, leveraging the ArcGIS API for JavaScript for GIS functionality. If you are interested in configurable web applications, please have a look at the recently released Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS (downloadable developer edition here), which allows you to interactively create JavaScript and HTML-based GIS web apps.


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