ArcGIS Utility Network

Learning about the ArcGIS Utility Network

Updated 7/8/24 – Added separate section for Training and Certification, Geodatabase Resource Hub, and ArcGIS Architecture Center

Updated 4/29/24 – Added links to new industry-specific learning series

Updated 10/8/23 – Updated link in the Video section to showcase the new ArcGIS Utility Network Channel

One of the most common questions we hear from users about the ArcGIS Utility Network is “How do I get started?”.  With this in mind, we created this article to compile all the resources you have available for learning more about the utility network.

Conferences are one of the best opportunities to learn more about the utility network because of the breadth and depth of user presentations, demo sessions, and staff available to answer your questions. The three main global conferences that Esri hosts that cover Utility Network content are the Esri Developer’s Summit (in the spring), the Esri User’s Conference (in the summer), and the Esri IMGIS Conference (in the fall). You should plan to attend conferences as often as possible so you can immerse yourself in the collective knowledge of the community. As part of preparing for a conference, you should look at the agenda for utility network sessions and plan to attend as many sessions as possible. Look at blog posts such as this one, which provide a comprehensive overview of all the utility network-related content that will be covered at the conference. This will help you plan your agenda in advance. With that in mind let’s look at what you can start doing today to maximize the value of your time spent at the user conference!


Self-Paced Learning

The Documentation Gallery is all about providing a way for users to experience GIS in small, bite-sized pieces of content. The best way to get started is to take one of the industry specific learning series:

Each learning series is a curated playlist that contains content for beginners as well as in-depth industry specific content for more advanced users (like Topology Errors and Subnetwork Management). By following each playlist, you will experience all the article, tutorials, and additional playlists you’ll need to get up to speed on the Utility Network. If you’re looking to get started with the utility network and you prefer a more interactive style of learning, this is going to be your best way of achieving that.

If you’re looking for best practices for implementing and deploying ArcGIS Enterprise, including reference system and architecture diagrams, make sure you check out the ArcGIS Architecture Center. You can learn more about how to use this site by reading the Introduction to the ArcGIS Well-Architected Framework article.

If you’re looking for best practices and examples of how to manage and configure geodatabases and their content, make sure you check out the Geodatabase Resource Hub. You can learn more about how to use this site by reading the Introducing the Geodatabase Resources Hub article.

Training and Certification

In addition to the learn site the Esri Academy also includes more traditional learning plans as well as the ability to earn certificates in recognition for your expertise with ArcGIS. These traditional learning resources include courses specific to learning ArcGIS Pro and the Utility Network. Customers and partners looking to demonstrate their proficiency with the utility network often choose to earn their utility network certification through the Esri Academy. Reviewing the information for this certification will provide you with a recommended training plan, along with a recommended set of skills and knowledge you will need to demonstrate to help prepare for the test!

Two of the most popular utility network courses are the instructor-led classes for Working with the Utility Network in ArcGIS Pro and Configuring Utility Networks in ArcGIS Pro. The Working with the Utility Network course is designed for GIS Professionals who will be using the Utility Network for editing and analysis in their daily activities. The Configuring Utility Networks course is designed to teach administrators and business partners how to configure and manage the schema for a Utility Network.

In addition to learning about the utility network you will also find courses covering a wide range of other important topics including essential ArcGIS Pro workflows, administering an ArcGIS Enterprise environment, how to configure branch versioning, and even how to migrate from ArcMap to ArcGIS Pro.

Blogs and Articles

The ArcGIS Blog site is an essential resource for existing utility network users to stay updated on the latest advancements in the product. I recommend you filter the list by product to only show Utility Network related articles to help make it easier to find the content you’re looking for. The Utility Network and Network Diagram teams regularly publish articles highlighting new functionality or showcasing important workflows. You should keep an eye out for new articles that are posted during a software release or when you are planning to attend a conference. For instance, this year, it would be beneficial to read the article discussing the network management release plan, as well as the articles covering the new utility network functionality introduced in ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS Enterprise.

Esri Community

The Esri community site is a great location for users of all skill levels to ask and answer questions or get access to useful community-specific content. You can create a free account on this site and subscribe to the ArcGIS Utility Network community so you get notified whenever someone posts a new question or document to the community. While it may not look like it at first glance, the utility network community has a very active and dedicated user base. We average over 1000 views a day and over 60% of user questions have accepted solutions! I recommend you read this community document containing a list of helpful utility network links that contains links to important content for users of all skill levels. You should also consider subscribing to an industry-specific page (electric, gas and pipeline, water utilities) or to the Data Management community if you’re interested in questions about Geodatabases and SDE.


Did you know that in addition to our many channels on YouTube, Esri also has its own video hosting site that gives you free access to select videos, webinars, and presentations? On this site, you can find dedicated channels that focus on different products, topics of GIS, and content for specific industries. If you go to the ArcGIS Utility Network product channel you will find a huge collection of Utility Network content. The main page includes a series of curated videos to help you stay up to date with the latest information from product releases, conferences, and even industry webinars. I’ve found this site to be incredibly useful because it’s all freely available, meaning you and your team get access to select pieces of content from conferences, even if you couldn’t attend and didn’t sign up for digital access.


Now that you know what resources are available for you to learn about Utility Network I recommend you to start planning your attendance for our  next conference, create an account on our Esri Community site, and start going through the Getting Started with the ArcGIS Utility Network learning series.

About the author

Robert Krisher is a Product Engineer with Esri who has over 15 years of experience implementing Enterprise GIS for Utilities.


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