ArcGIS Blog



What’s New in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS (April 2018)

By David Martinez

We are excited to share with you some of the new features we just released in the embedded Web AppBuilder in ArcGIS Online. Here are some of the key highlights:

New Widgets

This release includes several new widgets that can be used in 2D or 3D applications.

  • Data aggregation (Beta) – gives you the ability to load data from a CSV file, either by address or coordinate information, and select which fields should be added to the existing map or uploaded to the existing layer.
  • Gridded Reference Graphics – allows you to create grids based on an area. You can define a grid from an area or point by dimension, reference system, or time and speed. This widget can be used in search and rescue and many more operations.
Gridded Reference Graphics
  • Emergency Response Guide – enables you to determine the potential hazards based on the type of hazardous material spill filtered by a selected location.
  • Distance and Direction – lets you draw lines, circles, ellipses, and range rings on the map.
  • Sharing ­- the Share widget is now available in 3D apps, and it allows you to share your app by posting it to your social media account, sending an email with a link, or embedding it into a website or blog.
  • Measurement – one of my personal favorite widgets is available for your 3D apps. It can measure horizontal, vertical, and direct distance between two points.

Widget Updates

We have made improvements into the workflows of some of the existing widgets.

    • Select widget has added Select By Point and Select By Lasso tools.
    • Smart Editor widget has the capability to not only edit related records of editable layers, but you can also edit related records when the parent record is not editable. For instance, imagine you want the fire department to inspect and report issues with hydrants, but you do not want them to modify the hydrant itself. The feature service needs both the hydrant and inspection table because of the relationship, and it also needs to be editable. Support has also been added for attribute action, which allows you to define custom actions for the data.


    Intersection Attribute Action
    • With the Edit widget, you can add a new record for a related feature layer. For example, let’s say you have a feature layer that has parcels, and within that layer, there is a relationship to buildings located on those parcels. In this scenario, you can edit those features and ensure the relationships are inherited.
    • Swipe widget has added an option to change the color of the slide bar for the swipe tool.
    • Legend widget gives you full control to configure which layers you would like to display in the legend, regardless of what is listed in the Layer List widget. This a nice user interface (UI) enhancement.


    Legend Widget
    • Share widget gives you the option to include the organization’s URL when sharing your application.
    • Infographic widget allows you to select your own colors for each slide on the pie chart.
    • With the 3D Daylight widget, you can set default GMT time.
    • Public Notification widget now supports Arcade pop-ups, new selection options for notifications, as well as point-single-click to select a feature.
    • Draw widget has an enhanced option to display area, distance, or both.
    • Print widget provides you an option to enable the end user to edit copyright information.
    • Time Slider widget has an option to automatically play the slider when the widget is opened.

  • UI Enhancements

    • The popular Dashboard Theme is now available for 3D apps.
    Dashboard Theme with New Measure and Share Widget
    • A new drop-down button called “New App” has been added in the upper right-hand corner in the builder to create new 2D or 3D apps.
    • With a simple click and drag, you can reorder the widgets added to the placeholders on the screen.
    • We have added the ability to change the group icon when widgets are grouped together.


Lots of new functionality has been added to Web AppBuilder to enable you to create responsive new web apps, and we hope you enjoy it.


The Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS Dev Team

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