Jinnan Zhang

Jinnan is a Senior Product Engineer at Esri's the Living Atlas team, He is interested in developing apps using TypeScript, React and Redux (if necessary), ArcGIS API for JavaScript, D3 and Vanilla JS.

Posts by this author
Zoom. Enhance.

The ArcGIS API for JavaScript lets you do all manner of app/viz shenanigans.

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Improvements to the USA Wildfires map’s Smoke Forecast

Improvement to the smoke forecast layer's design make it easier to visualize.

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Introducing UnemploymentPulse

UnemploymentPulse visualizes state and county unemployment rates as compact trend lines. Updated monthly.

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CovidPulse update: Grid View

A time-trend map gets a boost from a non-map perspective. Here's how and why...

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How to create a sparkline map with the ArcGIS API for JavaScript

A look behind the scenes at the code used to render sparklines as map symbols in ArcGIS.

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A tour of CovidPulse and its inception

What's a sparkline? Where did this idea come from? What insights are in it?

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CovidPulse visualizes the rates of COVID-19 cases, and deaths, in the United States, as compact trend lines. Updated daily.

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