The Scene Layers Team has been hard at work adding new functionality for scene layers across the platform. This blog will highlight some of those new features that were added to ArcGIS Pro 2.1
Scene Layers work across the platform
Jan 16, 2018
The Scene Layers Team has been hard at work adding new functionality for scene layers across the platform. This blog will highlight some of those new features that were added to ArcGIS Pro 2.1
Scene Layers work across the platform
If you are new to scene layers, do not worry as the following help document provides a good overview of what scene layers are and what you can use them for. What is a Scene Layer?
Scene layers are still a relatively new layer type and with each release of ArcGIS Pro, more functionality is added both to the authoring side and the consumption side. Take a look at the list of enhancements that were added.
Geoprocessing Tools
Create Scene Layer Package Tool
Validate Scene Layer Package Tool
Consumption in ArcGIS Pro
Notable Mention
Scene layers (I3S) has been adopted as an OGC Community Standard
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