2016 was an exciting year for the R-ArcGIS Bridge. Between new demos showcasing the functionality of the bridge, Esri’s R Consortium membership making the list of the biggest R stories for 2016, and new technical advancements, such as the ability to use the bridge with Microsoft R Open, the R-ArcGIS bridge is more valuable than ever for advancing the capabilities of analyses across multiple disciplines.
To provide our users with easier access to the R-ArcGIS Bridge and all of its possibilities, we have been working hard on multiple new resources. Our goal is to not only enable users to quickly get up and running with the bridge and all of its features, but also to inspire users with new ways the bridge can extend their workflows.
The first of these resources just went live! It is a new Learn ArcGIS lesson and video called Analyze Crime Using Statistics and the R-ArcGIS Bridge. The lesson walks you through installing the R-ArcGIS Bridge, getting everything up and running, as well as the process of doing an analysis where you’ll seamlessly move between R and ArcGIS depending on the analytical methods you want to employ. By the end, you’ll be ready to tackle your analyses harnessing the power of both R and ArcGIS in new and exciting ways. Check it out!
Happy bridging and stay tuned for more resources coming soon!
This blog article is provided by Marjean Pobuda. Marjean is a product engineer with Esri’s Spatial Statistics team. Questions for Marjean can be sent to: MPobuda@esri.com
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