
Getting started with Python map automation

ArcGIS 10 provides a new Python mapping module (arcpy.mapping) that
allows you to interact with the contents of map documents and layer
files without necessarily needing to interactively open an ArcMap
session.  The methods, properties and functions available in this new
map scripting API enable you, for example, to automate changing data
sources, modify layer properties, export and print maps, as well as
automate the creation of thematic maps and map series.  Because the new
mapping module is part of the ArcPy geoprocessing framework, scripts can
be used within ArcGIS Desktop but also published to ArcGIS Server as
geoprocessing services making it much easier to make mapping and
printing capabilities available on the server.

The following links are resources that will help you learn more about
arcpy.mapping as well as sample scripts available for download:

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