ArcGIS Enterprise

What’s New in ArcGIS Enterprise 10.8.1: Documentation updates

With each software release, we strive to improve our documentation to deliver an experience that’s easier to access and navigate and in turn, provides meaningful context and clarity to your workflows.

With each release of ArcGIS Enterprise, we deliver two types of documentation:

While some of you rely exclusively on our installed help, others prefer to use our web help to learn about our latest updates and frequently changing aspects such as support for newer operating systems and overall system requirements.

In fact, some of you have asked for the ability to opt out of our installed help to instead access our web help directly from the software. Other ArcGIS products such as ArcGIS Pro offer this option as well. If this is something you’ve been looking for, here’s a feature for you!

At 10.8.1, we’ve introduced a help source option in the ArcGIS Enterprise portal. This option enables an administrator to switch the documentation source from installed to web.


Here’s how:

For ArcGIS Enterprise deployments equipped with an internet connection, this option is a great alternative to installed help as our web help is readily available, our most up-to-date resource, and eliminates the need to install one or many language packs on top of our software installations at each release.

For deployments without an internet connection, the installed help source is still available as the default experience.

Finally, to be clear, there are a few limitations to this new feature – here’s the fine print:

We hope this feature is useful to you. As always, we welcome your feedback, whether it’s on the navigation experience or the content itself. If you find something that doesn’t look quite right, feel free to contact us by submitting feedback directly through the website.

About the author

Sara is a lead product engineer on the ArcGIS Enterprise team. She enjoys spending time at the lake, non-fiction, and cooking.

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