ArcGIS Pro Extensions NuGet Preview Available

Included with last week’s ArcGIS Pro SDK 2.3 release, the new ArcGIS Pro Extensions NuGet Preview is now available on the NuGet Gallery site at Esri.ArcGISPro.Extensions.

The ArcGIS Pro Extensions NuGet offers an alternative way to reference the ArcGIS Pro assemblies in your add-in and configuration projects instead of the traditional file-based references. The NuGet package includes all ArcGIS Pro API assemblies needed to compile your add-ins and configurations.

To help you with installation and testing of the NuGet, see the new ProGuide ArcGIS Pro Extensions NuGet document.  It also includes a few potential benefits to using the NuGet, beyond developer preference, which may be of interest and appropriate for your organization.

As it is a preview at 2.3, the ArcGIS Pro Extensions NuGet is not currently supported by Esri Technical Support, although you can post your questions on the Pro SDK Group on GeoNet.

Once you’ve tried the NuGet guided by the above ProGuide document, we look forward to your feedback and vote using our Experience Poll on GeoNet.  The poll will help us to gauge interest by you, the Pro SDK developer community.   We look forward to your feedback!

The ArcGIS Pro Extensions NuGet on the NuGet Gallery:

About the author

Chris is a product manager on the ArcGIS Desktop Team, focused on the ArcGIS Pro SDK and helping users achieve their Pro customization goals.

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