ArcGIS Pro

Working from Home: ArcGIS Pro…Cloud hosted virtualization

Join the Webinar on May 18, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted every company and person worldwide.  This is an unprecedented event that has changed the way people live and work.  Working from Home is the new norm.   As companies and organizations work to maintain business continuity, they are searching for appropriate virtualization infrastructure to deliver ArcGIS Pro to wherever their GIS staff may be.

Much Like you, I now take calls from a new makeshift office in my home.  The benefit of this new routine has allowed for new ways to test the technology and test the ease of use.  In my personal day to day work I am using various resources, some from the cloud and some I access with use of a VPN connection.  Connection to resources, both technical and simply people is truly what makes an office useful and convenient.  The cloud services have been a great help recently, and this is the focus of what we plan to share.

In this webinar we will review what it takes to virtualize ArcGIS Pro. ArcGIS Pro can be successfully virtualized with both on-premise and cloud infrastructure.  Since many are looking for quickly deployed virtualization this webinar will focus primarily on cloud infrastructure.  We will discuss options and configurations from providers such as Amazon, Microsoft Azure, Oracle Cloud, and Google Cloud Platform.  A couple of managed service providers will also be discussed. This webinar will focus on system configurations that we have tested, users have used and delivered to support the needs of GIS users.

To join the webinar, sign up with the link below:




Thank you to all of you who attended the session.  I hope that our team addressed your needs, and answered your questions. Attached are the slides as well as a recording of the webinar.

Thank you again



Click Here to a download copy of the slides

About the author

Esri Performance Engineering.

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