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Decision Support

Opening New Possibilities with Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS

By Jeff Shaner

The version 10.3.1 release of Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS opens up new possibilities for you to create and share powerful, focused dashboards within your organization.

Rolling out with the latest update to ArcGIS Online, Operations Dashboard includes some updates to the user experience; a number of performance and stability updates and most importantly an all-new extensibility framework for developers!

New Features and Bug Fixes

The What’s New section of the documentation site provides a list of specific issues addressed in this release, however there are a few worth mentioning:

  • Operations Dashboard is now in compliance with Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS)
  • Find Place Map tool includes suggestions as you type
  • Units of measurement are based upon user profile settings
  • Styling improvements to the Feature Details widget and Popups in the Browser app

User Experience Improvements

Opening an operation view, you will notice a few of the UX improvements right away. We have refreshed a lot of the icons throughout the app and updated the experience when adding widgets. The most dramatic is the Light and Dark Theme support added in the Browser app.

In the upper right corner of your browser you will find a black (or white) button that will toggle between light and dark themes.

New Extensibility Framework

You can extend the built-in functionality of the Operations Dashboard app with custom widgets, map tools and feature actions. Extending the capabilities of an operation view is a very powerful way to integrate with external systems (like the OSIsoft PI connector) or to provide focused, meaningful analytics (like the ERG Chemical Map Tool). These extensions enhance the Windows app and were developed using the ArcGIS Runtime SDK for WPF.

Now you can use the v3.14 release of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript to extend both the Windows and Browser apps! Web developers can write widgets, map tools and feature actions using the JavaScript API and host them as Application Extensions on your web server (please read the Guide section of the JavaScript API developer documentation to get started).

Administrators of an ArcGIS Online subscription can register an operation extension and share it within a group for publishers and users of operation views. Once shared, publishers creating an operation view simply need to tap on Custom in the Add Widget dialog to find and use extensions within their views.

Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS v10.3.1 is available right now. You can update and download the Windows app right now. Version 3.14 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript is available now too and you can read more about what is new in it from this blog article.

If you use Portal for ArcGIS, the deployment utility is now available on the MyEsri site. However, updates to the Browser app and version 3.14 of ArcGIS API for JavaScript will not be available until the 10.4 release of ArcGIS for Server.

We are excited to provide a more intuitive, robust, and customizable Operations Dashboard for both users and developers. We would like your feedback as well! Comment on this article or send in your thoughts to

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