If you are a Leaflet or Esri Leaflet developer, we wanted to let you know that we have made a number of enhancements to the Esri Leaflet developer guide to help you develop your applications.
Below, you’ll find some of the key improvements that we think you’ll find helpful. And, there’s a surprise for those of you who like videos!

1. Improved UI, UX, and content
We’ve improved the overall structure of the TOC, updated the getting started steps, and provided additional content throughout the chapters. There’s also a new chapter on authentication to help you access ArcGIS location services.
2. Updated support for Leaflet 1.8.0
All of the tutorial and sample code now use the latest Leaflet version (1.8.0) as well as the latest version of Esri Leaflet(v.3.0.8). To learn more, go to the Releases or Migration pages in the guide.
3. Integrated API reference
To make it easier to use the API, the API reference and all of the samples have been moved from the GitHub site to the Esri Leaflet guide. Now you can search and find libraries, properties, and methods more efficiently.

BONUS: ArcGIS YouTube channel videos
Many of you enjoy learning through videos. With the release of our ArcGIS Developers YouTube channel, we have started to produce new videos to include in the guide. This means that you will have a choice between reading or watching a tutorial to learn how to create your app!

We are continuously working to improve our documentation, so let us know what you think!
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