ArcGIS Blog

Imagery & Remote Sensing


Image Service Widgets for Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS

By Derek Law

This blog post was contributed by Emily Windahl, a Technical Editor on the Imagery Workflows Team.

The Esri Imagery Dev team are proud to offer a custom imagery-focused theme and some custom widgets for Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS, which have been specifically designed to work with image services. This collection of specialized functionality is called Web AppBuilder for Image Services (WABIS). They make it easy to incorporate imagery into a wide range of web apps. Now your web app can leverage imagery to better visualize and analyze your data. For example, your web app might use imagery to detect and highlight agriculture, or show before and after images with a slider to dynamically explore changes between them.

WABIS works within the existing Web AppBuilder framework and uses a modular design that easily integrates with other GIS and image service widgets. Even better? There’s no coding required.

The custom widgets allow app users to manage, analyze, and visualize imagery in a number of ways:

  • Quickly set preferred imagery layers
  • Display the date of imagery layers
  • Control how imagery is visualized
  • Use a time slider/filter to select and view past imagery
  • Compare two image layers using transparency or swipe
  • Calculate change between two images
  • Plot a spectral profile from multispectral imagery
  • Display images sorted by a selected date
  • Change parameters like compression and sampling method
  • Change the display order of imagery

The latest update also includes a Scatterplot widget, which allows an end user to select two bands from an image service layer and plot their values on a graph.

Scatterplot widget

There are several other enhancements with the latest WABIS release:

  • All widgets are compatible with Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS Developer Edition v2.3
  • App creators can now configure widgets when authoring the app
  • All widgets have been optimized and updated for better performance
  • The Change Detection widget now includes additional modes
  • Bug fixes have been made to the included Foldable Wrapper theme

Checkout the widgets in this live demo app using a Landsat8 image service (click the image below)

To download the WABIS: Public repository for Web AppBuilder image service widgets

Additional resources:

If you have questions or want to show off your imagery web apps please email us:

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