Site Scan for ArcGIS

Publishing from Site Scan to ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise


Site Scan for ArcGIS is a part of Esri’s ArcGIS ecosystem. This means that you can leverage data created in Site Scan across the world’s most powerful location analytics SaaS, PaaS, and on-prem systems that collectively make up ArcGIS. Timely access to data products derived from drone mapping such as orthomosaics, 3D meshes, and point clouds is invaluable to organizations in many industries.

Today, users can publish from Site Scan to ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Enterprise, and ArcGIS Enterprise behind a firewall. Having this data accessible in your ArcGIS environment enables further analysis, sharing and collaboration with stakeholders, and even engagement with the community. 

Benefits to publishing Site Scan data to ArcGIS 

Site Scan data can be used or ingested into a variety of Esri applications built on top of ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise for internal or external use. You can combine imagery with your existing GIS data, overlay it with data from the ArcGIS Living Atlas, and present it in web applications. Here are a few ways unifying your drone data with ArcGIS can help organizations address common challenges:

Standard imagery basemap overlaid by an orthomosaic in ArcGIS Field Maps
Use your orthomosaics as a basemap within ArcGIS Field Maps. There is a clear difference in detail between the default imagery basemap (left) and a drone-captured orthomosaic (right)
Site Scan data displayed on a configurable ArcGIS Dashboard
Configurable ArcGIS Dashboard overlaying police drone photo locations, flight path, and law enforcement activities.
3D Mesh displayed with other metrics on an ArcGIS Dashboard
Inform internal or external stakeholders with the most up-to-date information about the status of a site inspection.

Types of data that can be published from Site Scan to ArcGIS 

Site Scan offers publishing a variety of data to ArcGIS: 

When publishing data to your organization, you have the option to specify which folder or groups to share with. This reduces the hassle of rearranging your data afterwards and ensures the people and teams who require access to published datasets are getting what they need. 

Getting Started

It only takes a few clicks to bring your data into ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise. Follow these steps to start taking advantage of the numerous other tools ArcGIS has to offer. 

*  To register your Site Scan for ArcGIS and ArcGIS Enterprise Portal, please contact your Customer Success Manager or Esri Technical Support.
*  If publishing to ArcGIS Enterprise behind a firewall, reference this guide for additional setup instructions. 

  1. In Site Scan, navigate to a mission that contains imagery data such as an orthomosaic, point cloud, or 3D mesh.
  2. In the bottom left, click the “Share to ArcGIS Online” icon (this also applies to ArcGIS Enterprise).
Share to ArcGIS Online

      3. Sign in using your ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise credentials.
      4. Add a name and select the data product(s) of your choosing.

Choose data products to publish

5. If desired, expand the “Additional ArcGIS Online options” to specify folders, groups, tags, and descriptions for the data products.

Specify folders, groups, tags, and a description

6. Click Publish
      * Note: Publishing can take up to an hour.

7. If desired, view the status of the published job under “Check Status

View the status of the publishing job

8. After the job is complete, log into your ArcGIS organization. Your data products are ready to be analyzed, distributed, and consumed in your GIS applications.

      * Tip: Unless you publish data to a specific group(s) with custom sharing settings, published data is private by default. To share with members of your organization or the public, the sharing settings of the new ArcGIS data layer(s) must be modified accordingly. To learn more about sharing in ArcGIS, see documentation for sharing items in ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise Portal.

About the author

David is a Product Engineer on the Site Scan for ArcGIS team out of Berkeley, California. Prior to working with drones, he was an Account Manager for Esri's local government team in Philadelphia. A master's graduate of Remote Sensing & Geospatial Sciences from Boston University, he enjoys learning about the earth by viewing it from above. David loves long road trips, hiking through new scenery, teaching, San Francisco sports, and watching wild weather roll through.

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