Location tracking is one of the ArcGIS Platform’s newest capabilities. It provides the real-time location of an organization’s most valuable assets in the field: their mobile workers. When field personnel carry mobile devices, this capability captures and records their locations. Tracker for ArcGIS is a lightweight mobile solution that captures the locations of field staff, monitors where they are, and can help analyze where they have been. This can help decision makers gain real-time information to support critical field activities.

Location tracking is available for both ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise. In the latter case, the deployment infrastructure is managed by an organization themselves. Appropriate planning is therefore recommended to ensure their infrastructure architecture is configured and optimized to support the potential high volume of data generated.
This whitepaper contains relevant information that helps guide IT managers and GIS administrators in deploying Tracker for ArcGIS with ArcGIS Enterprise. The objective is to provide them with a high-level background, tips, and guidance as they implement their GIS solution that includes location tracking. This document includes strategies and deployment considerations for ArcGIS Enterprise multi-machine and high availability deployment configurations.
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