
Posts by this author
Keep home fires burning – Essential ArcGIS operations

Plan ahead for administrative continuity for your GIS operations.

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Portal for ArcGIS Security 2024 Update 1 released

The Portal for ArcGIS Security 2024 Update 1 is available. Install these patches at your earliest opportunity to address these vulnerabilities.

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Portal for ArcGIS Enterprise Sites 2023 Security Patch update

An update regarding the ArcGIS Enterprise Sites Security Patch re-release.

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ArcGIS Server Map and Feature Service Security 2023 Update 1

The ArcGIS Server Map and Feature Service Security 2023 Update 1 Patch is now available

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ArcGIS Server Security 2023 Update 1 Patch available!

ArcGIS Server Security 2023 patch is now available

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ArcGIS Insights Security Patches for ArcGIS Insights 2022.1 are now available

Esri has released ArcGIS Insights Security Patches for ArcGIS Insights 2022.1, resolving a high severity security vulnerability.

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ArcGIS and Apache Log4j Vulnerabilities

Esri's updated statement regarding Log4j vulnerabilities (Log4Shell) and ArcGIS products

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Portal for ArcGIS Security 2023 Update 1 Patch is now available

Esri has released the Portal for ArcGIS Security 2023 Update 1 Patch that resolves multiple security vulnerabilities.

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Portal for ArcGIS Security 2022 Update 2 Patch is now available

Esri has released the Portal for ArcGIS Security 2022 Update 2 Patch that resolves multiple high and medium severity security vulnerabilities.

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