ArcGIS Enterprise

Monthly Linux Tip: Update Regarding CentOS 8 Support for ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9

As you may already be aware, it was announced in December 2020 that CentOS 8 will reach End of Lifetime (EOL) status December 31st, 2021. Many concerns have been raised as a result in the open source and well as the ArcGIS communities. We understand that for our ArcGIS Enterprise on Linux audience, this may directly impact you.

As of now, we are planning on continuing support for CentOS 8.x for the release of ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9. While there have been CentOS alternatives, as well as additional Red Hat offerings, the road ahead is still unclear. The ArcGIS Enterprise on Linux team is closely monitoring these trends and are acting accordingly. In the meantime, the ArcGIS Enterprise team will continue supporting CentOS 8.x in this upcoming release.

In the comment section, please share how your organization has adjusted or plans to adjust to the early deprecation of CentOS 8. Thank you for reading this Monthly Linux Tip!

About the author

Markus is a Product Engineer on the ArcGIS Enterprise team, where he specializes with Linux architectures.

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