ArcGIS Experience Builder

What's New in ArcGIS Experience Builder Developer Edition (version 1.11)

Version 1.11 of ArcGIS Experience Builder developer edition is now available on the ArcGIS for Developers  website, helping developers build and extend their no-low code web apps much faster.

In addition to picking up new features, including the Add Data widget, from the February release of ArcGIS Experience Builder in ArcGIS Online, version 1.11 adds a new Advanced Select component in Storybook and updates the About Release Versions table. Let’s look at these updates.

Advanced Select UI Component

The design system of ArcGIS Experience Builder uses Storybook as a playground for UI components. You can preview and play these UI components with various styles. The new AdvancedSelect component provides you options to choose from a list. You can search the list and choose from predefined static values or dynamic values from data as shown below.

Advanced select UI component

Release Versions Table

ArcGIS Experience Builder comes with ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Enterprise, and the developer edition. The latest features are available first in ArcGIS Online, then picked up by the developer edition three to four weeks later. Both have three releases each year. Experience Builder in ArcGIS Enterprise has two releases each year and will pick up features from ArcGIS Online.

You may already see the About Release Version table. We’d like to highlight it here. When you add custom widgets to ArcGIS Enterprise to extend Experience Builder in ArcGIS Enterprise, this table becomes handy. It helps you make decisions on which version of the developer edition you should use to create custom widgets compatible with the version of ArcGIS Enterprise that you will deploy them to. If your customization leverages ArcGIS Maps SDK for Javascript, the rule of thumb is that you should always choose the version of the developer edition that uses the same version of ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript in ArcGIS Enterprise. In the example below, version 1.8 of the developer edition should be used to create custom widgets added to ArcGIS Enterprise 11.0.

Release versions table

Breaking changes

A few properties and methods in DataPicker from the jimu-ui library are either depreciated or removed. In addition, there are breaking changes from the jimu-core, jimu-ui, and jimu-arcgis libraries. Make sure to check them out before upgrading your apps.

For more information about the 1.11 release, see What’s new. You can reach us with any questions at

Thank you,

The ArcGIS Experience Builder Team

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About the author

Product manager for ArcGIS Experience Builder and ArcGIS Web AppBuilder. During her 20+ years with Esri, she has worked on various products—from desktop to web-based software and from developer technology to no-code app builders. In her spare time, she enjoys hiking and camping.

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