ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server

GeoAnalytics Server Analysis Demo - Ozone Detection

New GeoAnalytics Server demo now available!

GeoAnalytics Server is a big data analysis and processing capability of ArcGIS Enterprise. This demo shows how the GeoAnalytics Detect Incidents tool can rapidly query 31,000,000 individual sensor measurements in 12 minutes to identify areas of the US that have experienced high levels of ground level ozone. The same type of analysis can apply to mine data and hot spots from other static sensor networks. 

To learn more about GeoAnalytics Server, visit GeoAnalytics documentation and the homepage, where you can sign up for updates on the product.

Enjoy the demo!

About the author

Hilary is a Product Manager for ArcGIS Enterprise and loves urban ecology, biking and her dog Ada.

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