Solution details
This product was written in 2018 using the ArcGIS Runtime SDK for .NET / Xamarin Forms and provides utilities with unmatched tools for performing underground utility locates. The top selling product from Dig-Smart, LLC requires the use of the Dig-Smart WebAPI (as a separate purchase) for the purposes of syncing. It is currently available on any device running Windows 11 or iOS. The minimum screen size supporting the Locator application is 7" with no maximum defined. While locating underground utilities, field crews can: 1. View published map services 2. Identify, redline and measure map elements 3. GPS enable the native device 4. Capture images or video from the native device's camera 5. Sync upon demand 6. Enter a text report and labor data This mobile app communicates with other Dig-Smart products such as Dig-Smart Fusion or Dig-Smart Analyzer.
Electric & Gas,Pipeline,Public Works,Telco,Water, Wastewater & Stormwater