Law Enforcement and Justice

Selecting Data with the Crime Analysis Solution

Crime Analysis with ArcGIS Pro Video Blog Series—Part 2

In this edition of our Crime Analysis with ArcGIS Pro blog series, we examine the selection toolset. Once crime data has been imported into ArcGIS Pro, the next step is to select the data relevant to your analysis. The Crime Analysis solution in ArcGIS Pro gives you several options for selecting features from any dataset. These tools can be used individually or collectively, giving you a wide range of data selection options and flexibility.

Selection Toolset

Select—Choose features interactively on the map by drawing a rectangle, polygon, lasso, circle, line, or tracing other features.

Select by Attributes—Select features based on the attributes field within the data including crime type, UCR or NIBRS reporting codes, modus operandi, or any other field in the dataset.

Select by Location—Select features using the location of other features in the layer including polygons such as beats or districts or creating buffers around existing features.

Select Layer by Date and Time—Select features based on date and time ranges or date properties in the data. Select data based on a single date, date range, or specific time, including by day of the week, month, or year.

Now let’s join Chris Delaney as he walks us through the tools.

Additional Resources

We hope these tools make it faster and easier for you to select data and we look forward to your feedback on these and the rest of the Crime Analysis tools. In our next blog, we will explore mapping crime counts and percent change but until then you can learn more:

If you have questions or feedback about this blog or any of the tools in the upcoming blogs, you can connect with us:

John Beck, Director, Law Enforcement Solutions:

Chris Delaney, Product Owner, Law Enforcement Solutions:

About the authors

John Beck is the Director of Law Enforcement Solutions at Esri where he is responsible for helping police agencies worldwide understand and implement GIS for every mission. Before joining Esri, Beck was a police officer and crime analyst in Nevada. In his role at Esri, he helps police agencies apply GIS to crime analysis, strategic planning, patrol operations, investigative support, and citizen engagement. John has also worked with agencies to implement GIS for open and transparent policing and to tackle hard problems like the opioid epidemic and homelessness. He is also helping police realize the value of new geospatial technologies including machine learning and big data analysis to gain a real-time understand of crime patterns and make better informed decisions. John earned undergraduate degrees in geography and anthropology and a master’s degree in criminal justice from the University of Nevada.


Chris is the product owner for Law Enforcement solutions at Esri.


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