
A Simple Checklist to Nominate Your Maps and Apps into Living Atlas

This checklist provides an easy guide for nominating your maps, apps, and data into the Living Atlas of the World. This places your content among the best of ArcGIS Online, making users more likely to choose your authoritative contributions.

To follow along with a step-by-step guide, visit this StoryMap.

To nominate your content into the Living Atlas, it first needs to exist as an ArcGIS Online item. This can be many different item types:

The item details page provides information about what you are sharing, along with additional information to help others find and use your item. The goal is to create a well-documented item description page so that others will understand what they have found, where the data is from, and what someone can expect to see when opening your item. This blog contains some great pointers and suggestions about filling out your item description page.

Within the Living Atlas site, the “My Contributions” tab shows items you own. The My Content tab shows which items are eligible for nomination, and the My Contributions tab shows the items which you have already contributed. Each item is scored by the completeness of the item and its metadata. The score helps to identify key characteristics of your item which will make sure others can find and understand the item. Sections left blank, or with too little content, decreases the score of an item.

Click on an item to view the scoring, make edits, see suggested improvements, and to nominate an item. You can make certain edits directly to your item by using the editing pencils. You can also hover over the suggested improvements for more guidance.

An item requires a score of 80 before you can nominate to the Living Atlas. There are a few scored items that are required in order to see the “Nominate” button appear:

Additional scored considerations:

The website will automatically detect if an item was created in a region outside of the United States and adjust the scoring rules appropriately. This will allow items in languages other than English to be contributed to the Living Atlas.
Once an item reaches a score of 80 and meets the above requirements, you will be able to nominate it to the Living Atlas. At this point, the item will be sent to a curator on the Living Atlas team, who will accept the item as-is, or reach out to you about how to further improve your item so that it can be accepted.
Curators may also offer suggestions that follow best practices if the layer, map, or app could be enhanced for the end user’s benefit.

Non-scored suggestions and best practices:

For more information about the Living Atlas, see the following resources:

ArcGIS Blogs: Living Atlas of the World

Social Media: Twitter, Facebook

Benefits of the Living Atlas

About the author

I am a Senior GIS Engineer and ArcGIS Living Atlas Evangelist at Esri. I promote all things Living Atlas, ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Arcade, Smart Mapping, python, and cartography. I also specialize in socioeconomic and demographic datasets within Living Atlas, and how to visualize them.

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